
Many a time when the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) went home after a hard day's work, starving and looking forward to a meal, he would find his wife still cooking: The meal wasn't yet ready. Would he scream and shout in a fit of rage (sound familiar)$%: No.

Would he sit patiently, waiting for his wife to finish the cooking$%: No. He would actually go into the kitchen and help his wife finish the cooking and then they would both sit down together to eat the meal.

I offer to help out my wife in the same way but tend not to as much nowadays as I used to. She always turns my offer down, telling me to relax while she finishes the cooking. I realise that, although she makes it sound like she is doing it out of love; it is possibly because I'm a terrible cook and she doesn't fancy making the kids go to sleep hungry.

I do, however, try to help out in small ways, such as doing the washing up. Whether the kitchen sink of full of plates and pans or there's just one spoon in there, I know that even this little help is appreciated.

Now, why am I going on about this: Is it to espouse the goodness of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)$%: No. Frankly, I don't feel I need to. If people really want to find out about his life there's plenty of material around. And, if you dig deep enough (that's deeper than the superficial tabloids), then you will never find any fault there. I challenge you.

Is it to show you that I'm a 'modern man' who believes in sharing the household duties$%: Yeah, right. Definitely not. So why, you may ask$%:

Basically, what I am referring to is a model. An ideal, if you will.

You will find that, even in recent history, people have espoused the benefits of taking a model of someone or something successful and emulating it. There are plenty of books on this subject. Napoleon Hill's 'Think and grow rich' comes to mind, among others.

I try to follow the example of the one person in history who can never be faulted. Of course, I'll more than likely never attain those lofty heights, but it's an absolute ideal to aim for.

And it is with this in mind that I do the washing up and still, once in a while, offer to help my wife with the cooking, safe in the knowledge that she will most likely turn me down.

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